About the Journal
ISSN: 2582-0214
Biblical Studies Journal (BSJ) is an exploratory and innovative Online/Print scholarly journal published Quarterly (four times a year) by Veda Publications. It provides a forum for high quality research related to Christian theology, church history, biblical interpretation, ecumenism and all other topics related to Biblical studies. Articles cover specific biblical books or clusters of books, ancillary ancient literature, archaeology, historical studies, as well as new and developing areas of study.
Papers we Accept
We welcome original articles in the theological disciplines,helpful material for pastors and church workers(Liturgical,pastoral,educational),Artistic expressions of the christian faith (poetry,visual art,music),Social and cultural issues in different parts of the world in the light of christian faith,Notes and reviews of books that are relevant for Christians.
Manuscripts for publications, not published elsewhere, are to be sent to the Editorial Office through direct email in Ms-word format. Please read the Guidelines for Authors before submitting your manuscript.
Email your Manuscript to :
EMAIL: biblicalstudies.in@gmail.com